

Prices are compiled from sales on internet websites and auctions.
They are only to act as a guide of what Boyds Bears "plush" teddy bears have previously sold for.

Disclaimer: As we try to be as accurate as possible. We are not responsible for misquotes, mistypes, or errors in this guide.

*If a particular bear is not listed here, it is because there is no sale information on it at this time.


Macy Sunbeary - (911952) .............$10-$32

Maddie Mooington - (590072) ..................$84-$85

Madeline Willoughby - (918333) ..........$18-$20

Madison - 902004) ..........$20-$22

Maggie B. Bearheart - (904082) .................$12-$15

Magillacuddy - (554310) .........................$18-$20

Mahoney S. Mooseltoof - (554211) .................$10-$12

Mallow Cocobeary - (904332) ...........$25-$28

Malone E. Mooosetrax - (554110-05) ........$10-$12

Mamie Glorybear - (904195) ................$6-$10

Margaret T. Pattington - (92001-03) ...............$13-$15

Margarita - (911062) ............$17-$20

Margo De Bearvoire - (904227) ....................$8-$10

Margo DeBearvoire - (918340) ..........$6-$8

Margo duBeary - (904126) ..................$8-$10

Margo Flutterbuns - (904512) .............$12-$14

Mariah Crystalfrost - (904180) ...................$54-$55

Marie B. Bearlove - (912626) ..............$28-$30

Marina Yachtley - (918343) ................$14-$15

Marion T. Bestlove - (82514) ....................$10-$11

Maris G. Pattington - (92001-04) ..............$50-$55

Maris Q. Yachtley - (912018) ..............$30-$49

Marissa P. Pussyfoot - (912093) ...........$34-$35

Markle - (590070) .......................$18-$20

Marla Dubeary - (918200) ..........$9-$10

Marla Sprucebeary - (915501) ..........$7-$10

Marlena Beargeaux and Deitrich - (900103) ..........$25-$65

Marley Dickens - (90422) ................$27-$30

Marmalade Sneakypuss - (530800-08) ..............$8-$10

Marsha Cocobeary - (904331) .............$37-$40

Marshmallow Cocobeary - (904335) .............$10-$12

Martin V. Moosington - (590301-05) ...............$40-$45

Marwood - (917298) ...............$70-$75

Mary Ann Bearican - (904254) .............$8-$10

Mary Beary - (904351) ..............$37-$40

Mary Ellen Patchbeary - (912643) ...............$20-$22

Mary Kate Gingerbeary - (904033) ..............$11-$12

Matilda Baahead Animal Menagerie

Matthew - (91756-23) ..................$8-$10

Matthew - (91756-15) ............$14-$15

Matthew - (91756-21) ...............$8-$10

Matthew - (91756-25) ......................$14-$15

Matthew -( 91756-19) ...............$14-$15

Matthew (91756-12) ................$15-$17

Matthew (91756-17) ..................$10-$12

Maureen O'Hare - (52200-08) ..................$10-$15

Maury McSnoozle - (904065) ............$27-$28

Maximillian - (572210-05) ....................$65-$70

Maya Berriman - (91394) ............$12-$15

Mazie Q. Lightfoot( 58300-05) ....................$10-$12

McKenzie - (5840-03) ...............$8-$10

Mckenzie - (902003) ...........$18-$20

McKinley Bearington - (# 5900043-01) ..........$35-$5

Meadow T. Bearybloom - (904501) ..........$28-$30

Meg - "(919834) ...........$15-$18

Meg Autumnfest - (904152) .................$30-$30

Megan Berriman - (912623) ...........$24-$25

Melanie McRind - (912658) .............$18-$20

Melanie Q. Flutterbeary & Meg - (904511) .............$25-$26

Melinda S. Willoughby - (913961) .............$8-$10

Mendel V.H.M. - (5547) ......$8=$10

Mercedes Fitzbruin - (91204) ................ $19-$20

Meridian Wishkabibble - (90500) ...........$25-$28

Meridith K Pattington - (1088) ..............$25-$60

Merle B. Squirrel - (55214) - $10-12

Merry Beary - (919825) ...............$24-$25

Merry Beth Angelwish - (744110-04) ..................$19-$20

Mia Goodfriends - (903027) .......... $9-$10

Michael David Bearsley -(510401-11) .............$23-$25

Michele S. Hopplebuns - (916629) ...............$13-$15

Midge Meowsworth - (5745-11) ..................$4-$5

Midnight C. Sneakypuss - (81002) ...............$14-16

Mikayla Springbeary - (912624) ...........$20-$22

Mikey B. Beanster - (510818) ...............$18-$20

Milhous N. Moosington - (590300) ..........$45-$60

Millicent Sugarcone - (904120) .........$20-$22

Milton R. Penworthy - (57410-07) ...............$5-$8

Mimi Chapeau - (918449) ..................$8-$10

Mindy P. Elfbeary - (904052) .................$18-$20

Ming-Ming Woodsley - (92002-09) ................$15-$15

Minkles D. Bearsdale - (510810-03) ..............$14-$15

Mipsie Blumenshine - (917040) ..................$7-$10

Miracle Gardenglow - (916632) ............$17-$20

Miranda Blumenshine - (91142) ...........$20-$22

Miranda Cherrybeary and Bing - (904090) ..........$25-$35

Miss Hedda Bearimore - (918453) ............$18-$20

Miss Prissy Fussybuns - (912094) ................$19-$20

Missie Meowsworth - (57411-06) ..................$5-$6

Mitchell Bearsdale - (912615) .............$38-$40

Momma Bearhugs and Tory - (82507) .............$38-$40

Momma Bearsley with Baby Bundles -( 919816) .....$48-$50

Momma MacBearsley with Baby - (82515) ..............$18-$20

Momma McBearlove & Baby - (82520) ...................$15-$20

Momma McFuzz and Missy - (910080) ...............$30-$32

Momma McVeggie & The Sweetpeas - (904241) ......$35-$40

Mondale W. Cattington -(5901600-03) .............$28-$30

Monique LaBearsley - (918447) ...................$10-$12

Monroe Bearington - (590023-11 ) ................... $22-$40

Monsieur Jodibear - (92000-21) ..............$6-$8

Montana Mooski - (917295) ..............$28-$30

Monterey Mouski - (91675) ...............$4-$5

Mooshell Patchbeary - (912096) ...............$18-$20

Morgan T. Yachtley with Bill - 912644) ............$24-$25

Morley - (510904) .............$5-$6

Morley P. Moosetrax -(554112) ................$10-$12

Moxley Von Mooseltoes - (904054) .............$12-$14

Mozart B. Barken - (540302) ................$18-$20

Mr. Baybeary - (917314) ..........$28-$30

Mr. Beesley - (919848) ..........$25-$46

Mr. Bojingles - (91264) ..........$18-$21

Mr. McFarkle - (912640) .......$15-18

Mr. McSnickers - (912641) ............$23-$25

Mr. Noah and Friends - Limited Edition - (900100) .........$55-$60

Mr. T. B. Shutterbear - (92003-02) ................$14-$15

Mr. Tweeter -(510407) .............$18-$20

Mrs. Baybeary - (917312) .............$28-$30

Mrs. Beezley - (9041100 ..................$48-$50

Mrs. Fezziwig JodiBear - (92000-10) ................$18-$20

Mrs. Figgy Pudding - (917442) ..........$7-$10

Mrs. Kringlebeary - (904060) ............... $48-$50

Mrs. Mertz - (918331) ..............$28-$30

Mrs. Northstar - (917303-03) ...........$44-$45

Mrs. Partridge - (919750) ..............$24-$25

Mrs. Petrie - (919752) ..........$28-$30

Mrs. Trumbull - (91833) ..........$8-$10

Ms. Rouge Chapeau - (904197) ..............$5-$9

Muddles Q. Piggytoes - (553931) .................$24-$25

Muffin - (# 56421-03) ..........$4-$8

Muffles P. Mooseltoof - (554114) ...................$14-$15

Mumbley B. Bean - (515214) ....................$28-$30

Mumsie - (590058) ................$38-$40

Murdock Q. Moosley - (554115) .................$14-$15

Murphy Mooselfluff -( 917291) ..............$14-$15

Murray Moosehoofer - (554210-05) .....$10-$14

Murtaugh Moosetrax - (917297) ...............$12-$15

Myles VonHinden Moose - (55470-05) .............$6-$8

Nadia Berriman - (917420) ...................$24-$25

Nana - (82523) .................$8-$9

Nana Bearhugs - (500050-08) ........................$50-$100

Nanette Dubeary -("918432) ...............$8-$10

Nantucket P. Bearington - (590102) ...................$8-$10

Natalie Nibblenose - (573300-01) ..................$8-$10

Natalie Q. Nibblenose - (533190) ...................$8-$10

Natasha Berriman (918050) .............$8-$10

Natasha Crystalfrost - (904183) ...............$27-$28

Nellie T. Bearypatch - (919814) ............$20-$22

Nettie Fisher - (904132) .................$17-$18

Nibbie Bunnyhop - (522700-06) ..................$5-$6

Nickie Nibblenose - (573303-03) ................$7-$10

Nicklas T. Jodibear - (92000-12) .............$9-$13

Nickolas S. Hugsley - (500072) ..............$48-$50

Nicolas Bearington - (590107) ....................$10-$15

Niki II - (91730-1) ...........$10-$13

Noble Nutcracker - (904353) ....................$23-$25

Norbert D. Beariman - (510816) ..............$12-$15

Oda Parfume - (55212) .....................$10-$12

Oinkins - (#918661)............................................$5-$7

Olde Mother Goose & Co. - (91780) .....................$18-$20

Olive T. Leafowitz - (912014) ...........$31-$40

Oliver - (91110) ............$8-$10

Omega T. Legacy & Alpha - Limited Edition - (900099) ...$35-$40

Orvis T. Fisher with Tad - (904131) ................$30-$32

Oswald P. Beanster -(510408) ..............$23-$25

Owen J. Bruin - (510906) ..............$7-$10

Owen T. Woolbeary - (919841) ................$8-$10

Ozzie N. Harrycat - (53060-11) ..............$10-$12

Ozzie Prowler - (530805) ..............$10-$15

P. Gallery Trunkster - (55250) ...........$10-$12

Paddikins - (#918665).......................................$8-$10

Paige Willoughby -("918351) ............$12-$15

Pamela P. Patchbeary - (912017) ...........$38-$40

Panda-Boo Woodsley - (92002-12) ................$14-$15

Pandora - (500052) ................$165-$175

Pansey - (590060) ...........$15-$20

Parker B. Pooch - (54050-08) ..............$8-$10

Parker T. Hugsley - (500082) ................$150-$200

Pat McPunkin - (904323) ...........$7-$8

Patches B. Beariluved - (51000) ...........$20-$22

Patricia P. Bearheart - (904081) ............$30-$32

Patrick Bearsevelt - (913966) ..............$12-$15

Patsie Punkley - (919634) ............$10-$12

Patton Q. Jodibear - (92000-20) .............$8-$10

Paula Hoppleby - (91125) .............$12-$15

Pauly Punkley - (919637) ............$4-$5

Paxton P. Bean - (510300-05) ...................$18-$20

Peaches Thumpster - (52010-06) .............$8-$10

Peary - (5807-10) .................$29-$30

Peepers P. MacDonald - (913937) ............$14-$15

Pendleton J. Bruin - (510400-11) ...............$38-$40

Penelope P. Punkinbeary - (904011) ..............$30-$32

Pennsley - (590071) ......................$10-$12

Penny P. Copperpuss -(53080-06) ...............$24-$25

Pepper B. Scaredycat - (919700-02) ............$5-$8

Pepper Mintly - (904217) ..................$15-$18

Peppermint P. Bear - (510305-01) .................$10-$12

Percy - (5725) ...........$5-$8

Petal P. Bearybloom - (904503) .......................$7-$8

Petals Daisydew - (904077) ...................$5-$6

Peter Potter - (515211-10) .................$18-$23

Petey Thumpster - (52010-09) .................$8-$10

Petunia - (904395) ................$2-$3

Peyton C. Hopplebuns - (500071-01) ................$45-$50

Philo Puddlemaker - (# 56551-0&) ..........$7-$10

Phoebe Purrsmore - 917101) ..............$10-$12

Piper - (590067) ...................$25-$30

Piper Lapine - (918430) ...............$8-$10

Pipley McRind - (913965) ............$7-$8

Pixie - (# 56510-05)............................................$12-$13

Pokie - (#918662)..............................................$8-$10

Polly Bunnytoes - (522801-03) ...........$4-$5

Polly Peapod - (904245) ..............$6-$7

Polly Quignapple - (910020) ................$18-$20

Potsie Daisydew - (904078) .............$9-$10

Primrose III - (9160-02) .............$24-$25

Primrose IV - (9160-04) .............$28-$30

Princess P. Pussytoes - (531101) .................$18-$20

Prissie Hopplebuns - (904140) ..................$23-$25

Prissie Hopplebuns - (904290) ............$22-$24

Prissie Hopplebuns - (912082) ............$20-$22

Prudence Bearimore - (912053) .............$32-$35

Pucker McLemon - (904284) ...............$5-$6

Pumpkin - (590065) ...................$18-$20

Punkie BooBear - (919630) ...............$18-$20

Punkin B. Beary - (904153) ................$14-$16

Punkley - (904202) .............$5-$6

Purrcilla P. Pussytoes - (53040-01) ...............$10-$12

Purrcilla P. Sugarcone - (904122) ..................$25-$25

Purrkins P. Pussytoes - (530501) ...............$10-$12

Purrsnicitty Snotty-Kat - (53050-10) ............$14-$15

Putnam P. Bearsley - (57250-08) ....................$4-$5